
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Caterpillars, Gilmores, and Social Media Tips! Oh My!

Story time, boys and girls! Once upon a time, there was this caterpillar. His name was Mr. Business. Mr. Business was a businessman who ran a successful business (duh!). One day, Mr. Business realized that all of his other business friends were slowly turning from Normal Caterpillars into Social Butterflies! Because of this new development, Mr. Business was losing business and realized that he needed to make a change: he needed to become a Social Butterfly. So, after the normal cocooning process where he learned how to be social like the other butterflies, he became a Social Butterfly and soared with the other Social Butterflies into the business success world! The End!

Today, my goal is to make you all into Social Butterflies (as cheesy as that may sound). We're going to take a look into how to use some of the big kahunas of social media, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, successfully with your business. If you don't want to be left behind with the Normal Caterpillars, then keep reading to become a Social Butterfly business success!

Facebook with Carter

Brian Carter of the Brian Carter Group shares some insights on using Facebook with your business in his article, "35 Facebook Profit Tips for 2016". I won't go into every single tip, like I usually do, but I will quickly highlight some of the best tips that Carter shares in this article.

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One tip that Carter gives for using Facebook with your business in general is to "be brief, simple and clear." I think that a lot of businesses first starting out in social media tend to make their posts too complex and overcomplicate things. People don't usually try to analyze a post to death on social media. Normally, they'll just glance at it as they scroll down their newsfeed. Remember our Dwight Schrute quote from one of my previous articles, "Never Go Out of Style: Current Website Trends"? Burn it into your brain. Simple is ALWAYS better with social media.

Another tip that Carter gives in relation to "posting" to Facebook is to  "track which Facebook posts work and don’t work". This way, you know what your consumers pay attention to and what they clearly don't. Don't waste your time creating content that won't grab attention, and go for the methods that work.

The final tip from Carter that I will highlight on is for "advertising" on Facebook: "modify your targeting with behaviors like people who use Facebook payments". This is really good if you're trying to promote something like an app where you can make purchases within the app. Don't put all of your resources into trying to reach people who won't pay on Facebook. Go more for the ones that do!

To read more tips from Brian Carter on how to use Facebook, check out his article. It is very enlightening and definitely worth a marketer's time.

Twitter with Patel

Neil Patel of the Social Media Examiner has some great advice for you today about revamping your Twitter account for your business! Again, I'm going to highlight a few of the pieces of advice that he gives, but I fully encourage you to read the whole article if you want to learn more.

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The first piece of advice that Patel gives is to "unfollow inactive accounts". There's no point following an account that is not in use. Another piece of advice Patel gives is to also "unfollow irrelevant accounts". These two go hand-in-hand. There is also no point in following a company or person that will have no effect on your business. Use Twitter wisely.             

The second piece of advice that I want to share with you is to "spruce up your profile" (Patel). I cannot tell you how many profiles that I've seen on social media of businesses that have not updated their information in years. Be up-to-date on your information so that consumers know how to interact with your business! On another note, don't stop posting. Don't EVER stop posting. Never, ever, EVER stop posting! Otherwise, you'll lose yourself as a business in the shuffle. 

You know how I always seem to include a pop culture reference in every single one of my posts? Well, it's probably because I'm a HUGE Gilmore Girls fan, and those girls do it all the time. So, here's my pop culture reference for you today. If you've ever seen Gilmore Girls, you know that those girls NEVER stop talking. Make your social media a Gilmore and never let it shut up! Keep your social media talking, even if you have to fuel it up with a good cup of coffee from Luke's.

The third piece of advice that I want to share is to "delete off-topic Tweets" (Patel). Sometimes, our social media accounts can get cluttered, especially on Twitter. Keep your Twitter feed straight to the point so that consumers can find information easily. You can do this by getting rid of the less important Tweets on your Twitter account.

As always, you should read the full article if you want to learn more about revamping your Twitter account. It's got great information!

Google+ with Radice

Google+ definitely is a great social media outlet to use for your business! Rebekah Radice, a digital marketing blogger, shares some great insight on how use your Google+ account successfully for your business. Here are some of the tips from her blog post about how to make your business boom through Google+.
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The first tip that I'm going to share with you is to "join niche specific communities" on Google+ (Radice). This is a great way to reach people of a certain interest or attribute that would support your business. You can reach people in a more personalized way through this method.

The second tip of Radice's is to "get visual". By this, she means that using pictures can be more effective then just words. People tend to be more willing to look at a pretty picture then to stop and read some plain old words. Make yourself interesting on Google+!

The final tip that I will share is to "use Google+ Hangouts" (Radice). This method involves talking to your followers in real-time in order to create discussion. This part of Google+ can be really useful in making personal connections with your followers, and can help them to get more insight on your company.

I truly encourage you to read Radice's full post in order to gain more wisdom on Google+. I also encourage you to research more on social media in order to learn more about it, and practice! Good luck becoming a Social Butterfly guru!

Pictures found through Google Images. Post title is based off of a quote from The Wizard of Oz. I do not own these pictures, nor The Wizard of OzGilmore Girls, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ trademarks and quotes. This is being used for educational purposes.

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