LinkedIn with LinkedIn
Hahahaha! Melody, you made a typo! WRONG. If you ask me, who better to teach you about LinkedIn then LinkedIn themselves? So, without further ado, let's go over the three steps that LinkedIn tells us will help you start showing off your business on LinkedIn.
The first step is to "establish your brand presence" (LinkedIn). Show us who you are, and make it stick! Make followers know that you're a legit company. Here's a personal suggestion, have a sort of "signature" that makes people remember who you are. It could be a catchphrase kind of like Barney's "suit up" from How I Met Your Mother, or it could be an object like the pineapple that's in every episode of Psych. Whatever signature method you use, put your company out there and make it remembered for being "awesome", as Barney would say.
The second step from LinkedIn is to "connect with your audience". Go find your peeps and get connected! Figure out the kind of people that you want to reach, and get them to follow you.
The third and final step for LinkedIn success is to "engage them [your followers] with content" (LinkedIn). Share useful tips, photos, and information that will keep your followers following you.
The great thing about this post from LinkedIn is that there are more resources and tips for you to look at if you still need help launching your LinkedIn page. Go visit it for more information!
Flickr with Mentzer
If you don't know (because I didn't at first), Flickr is a social media site where you can share visual content with others online, and it can be very useful for promoting your company. Linda Mentzer is going to share with us today some pieces of advice on how to make your company successful on Flickr. I'm going to highlight on only three of them for right now.
The first piece of advice that I want to share is to "upload photos of your products and services" (Mentzer). Show people what it is that you do! After all, this is a visual social media site, so what better way to promote yourself?
The second piece of advice that I want to share with you is to "describe your photo and tag it wisely" (Mentzer). Make it easy for people to find your posts by connecting it to the appropriate interest subject. Also make sure to accurately report what it is your picture is showing.
The third and final piece of advice that I would like to share is to "join and contribute to groups" (Mentzer). Have fun and connect with others! Actually get involved with other people so that they'll know who you are.
To learn more about how to use Flickr for you company, I recommend reading the rest of her advice, as well as the other resources on that site. It's a great way to learn about Flickr!
Periscope with Edwards
If you're like me and have never heard of Periscope before this post, Periscope is a site for sharing live video footage in real-time. This is a great way for companies to have followers get the "inside scoop" and connect on a personal level. According to Samuel Edwards of Entrepreneur, here are some different types of videos that you can make to attract followers.
One type is what Edwards calls "new product releases". This is where you're going to showcase whatever new items that your company is making. You could show how to use it, showcase it, or any other way that you can imagine. The more creative, the better!
Another type is a "celebrity takeover" (Edwards). It's kind of like having a guest star on your live TV show. Have someone famous that you think your followers would be interested in to promote your products. Personally, I would like someone to actually make a new relatable commercial where Lisa Kudrow sings "Smelly Cat." For any of my favorite companies that might be paying attention to my interests, there's one way to get me engaged on your Periscope page!
The final type of Periscope video that I would like to share with you today is a "behind the scenes" video (Edwards). We've talked about this in past posts, but, again, let me tell you how "legen...(wait for it)...dary" these things are (I couldn't resist another Barney quote). Followers love seeing exclusive content that pertains to their interests. For example, if I was one of the first ones to find out that Netflix was reviving Friends, I would love that company with all of my heart (fingers crossed!). Give your followers that same experience!
This article has great info and even more tips on how to use Periscope successfully, and it shows you companies who implement them successfully. Check it out!
Unfortunately, this is the last post that I will be publishing for now *sniffle*. But who knows? Maybe I'll revive it in the near future like Netflix does with TV shows. Now, normally, I would send you off with some encouraging little phrase, but I think that I should send you off with one of the best TV show endings of all time, considering that that is the theme of this post. So, in the words of Truman Burbank, "in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"
Pictures and GIFs found through Google Images. I do not own these pictures and GIFs, nor The Truman Show, How I Met Your Mother, Psych, Friends, LinkedIn, Flickr, and Periscope trademarks and quotes. This is being used for educational purposes.
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